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Gradient Ocean

Hello, you have reached the website of EA Moser, the author. If you got here by "dropping down the rabbit hole' or following on social media, thanks either way and take the time to check out excerpts of a work in progress, or follow the links to a completed novel available on Amazon Kindle

Author's desk

This way to excerpts of Gravity Window, the first chapter. If you're like me, you've wondered why it's always rather disagreeable children discovering new worlds. This will be a relief from little imps spoiling an otherwise good story.

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A mysterious stranger comes to a down-at-the-heels western town with a message to "Save the World", and an even weirder plan to accomplish it; by running for president of the United States. With an unlikely cast of hometown acolytes, he sets about to do just that. But Michael's platform of self-reliance runs along a razor edge of sedition, in this future of one party politics. Just who or what Michael intends to save the world from is not clear, even to those closest to him. Or, the nature of the man himself.

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